Transcript 61 – Janet and Terry

Transcript 61 – Janet and Terry

It’s really for the Periscope brand.

Exactly. We’ve started now. I just turned it on.

You are hilarious. Alright, let’s do it.

Go ahead.

Oh, oh and by let’s do it I mean let me do it. Hey welcome to another exciting episode of Business Growth Time, evidently episode 61, I just learned that. With Janet E Johnson where the E stands for educated. Hey Janet, what’s up?

Hey, well I have this weird thing, we’ve got to figure something else so I don’t have this sitting right in the screen but I want to make sure that I’m paying attention to people on Periscope. So we are periscope, is that what it’s called periscoping today? Is that a word? I don’t know.

You are Periscoping and you are Periscope in, as we speak to my understanding.

Exactly, exactly. So we’ve got the, we’re going to make up our own acronyms, there you go, why not! You know, then it ends up in Wikipedia and there you go.

Everybody, we have a Wikipedia entry or it seems.

Exactly, exactly.

Alright, so this is kind of a sick, funny story and we’ll start with it. I got the pitch Eljin, executive producer and cool cad, one of the head guys showed Warner Simpsons which, you know me, you know I love the Simpsons from day 1. And I got to pitch on an episode the other day, via Twitter. I was like wow!

Tell us something about that. Now that is interesting. Now how do you, tell us how you connected with them, Twitter?

Yeah, I connected with them via Twitter. So Tedx Detroit is coming on October, we’re always looking for some big names to come that have some root in Detroit. Turns out, I didn’t know this, Elgin, was the first writer who wrote many episodes in the early years, been running the show for about 17 years now, maybe 13, grew up in the same town I did. Like literally I grew up in Farmington, MI, he grew up in Farmington Hills. He went to high school where many of my friends from elementary school went to high school. I mean we were that close. This guy once, like my favorite thing in a the world. It’s just crazy. So I said yeah, I’ll reach out . The moment I found him on Twitter and he’s got, he follows 12 people. And so I messaged them about Tedx and shared it for a minute and now he follows 13 people. It’s like I’m a geek right now, it’s kind of weird.

Yeah, that is weird.

Not my thing but that would be the only thing I’d ever do it live, so.

Well it shows that Twitter has power if you’re connecting the right way, you know.

Right, we can still reach. Here’s this guy that was happy emmy’s to last night, maybe two nights ago, right, and watching the show collecting info of words and you know, just chatting with him because, you know, that’s what we do. That’s a cool role.

Yeah it is. And that’s kind of what’s spinning Twitter in the Periscope while we’re on here we’re going to talk a little bit about Periscope today. What’s your thoughts on Periscope? First up I want to say, Terry, Terry didn’t even know what he was doing this morning and hopped on because he thought ‘oh I’m just going to try it out.’ Get this camera to turn around, you know. I’m truly a believer though, just do it. I mean I just did it, I was boating on the river, I didn’t do it of me because I’m not showing the bikini blah, blah, blah but, you know, just boating down the river, the views, somebody has taken, I take can I steal this as a screenshot, it was neat. It was very neat to just test it out. So I think people just need to try it out. So what were your thoughts on trying it out this morning Terry?

So I was a little surprised, right, I didn’t know what I was doing. Downloaded the app in the last hour. I didn’t even know you’ve been messing with them. It’s not an Android app so it must have been released in the last. But sometime in the last month that this came out and available in Android. So it’s it was easy, they give you a bunch of people to follow instantly that you’ve been following on Twitter. I didn’t mark all of them. So and then I push the button it was like oh it looks like I’m progressing now. So I turned the title on and people started connecting, started. And that was the coolest part, the instant, immediate feedback like you are right there with them like a web chat. It was neat.


But now, ain’t no body pinging. So I have 14, 15 people because it was my first one ever, blah blah blah.

Narcissistic side is, exactly. But once again it’s building up a social network. Now I’d love it, you know I have a few people on right now. If you guys are on here and watching, please put where your from, I’d love to hear where you’re from. See it dings on the phone so it’s kind of almost like a text so I can see that, I mean, I’ve been on this for a few weeks where I follow quite a few people and hop on and hop off. It’s neat because you know I’m just sitting, working, whatever. But if you’re really focused you need to make sure that you are maybe not even have the phone near you because it can become a big ADD type thing. I mean it’s definitely cool but it definitely can be interruptive. It’s like kind of getting texts all day long. So in return Terry and I just had this discussion, you probably need to be very careful of who you are following because all of those alerts coming through is kind of crazy so you want to have the people that you really want to make sure that you’re following. And some people do three, four, five scopes a day. So it gets kind of crazy.

What do they talk about? It is just fun or they just start bothering. Or is it like politics and presentable materials?

It’s your type of thing Terry. It’s right up your alley.

It’s straight up babbling, I love straight up babbling.

Exactly. You got to watch, I’ll give a shout-out to Sebastian Rusk, we should have him on the show. He was on the show in the past and he’s a social media guy and what he’s been doing is he does a motivation every single morning. So he has a different motivational thing. But he also live in Miami. So like last night he was at the Ritz Carlton Hotel doing, you know, walking through, he’s like the I go you have the life, I mean I live in the farmland. You know he’s in Miami, right on the beach.

You pass in Miami, they got, you know.

Yes. Exactly.

And you have to hook them up so I that’s we can go out .

Yeah, yeah. Exactly. I will, Sebastian’s a good buddy of mine and he is on here probably 2-3 times a day, just hopping on, hopping off. Just walking down the road, you know, that kind of thing. But you know what, you need to get value. That is one thing is very important, is you make sure that when you hop on, you’re giving value. Just like what your #workfromhomedads, the videos that you’re doing are giving value.

I have a lesson, right. Someone’s got to learn — educating. Janet “educating” Johnson, that’s you.

Oh you should save that for another show but anyway.

But I thought you’re going to be educating, we’ve got the Facebook thing coming up so you’re going to be driving from there. And yeah, it’s true, I could use it.

You got it, you got it. So that’s kind of the deal right now is that Periscope is tried out. Try it out, not only watched, maybe watch a few so you kind of know what’s going on, you know. People ask for hearts all the time, that’s another thing. I haven’t got, I think I got I heart since we’ve been on.

Right. Now your whole self worth is by how you give on Periscope is like people’s going to be open themselves. I mean I’ve been here 5 times, no one’s give me a heart.

Exactly, hearts come on hearts. So this is a different set up doing the actual podcast. So this is very, very different. I’m sure and maybe they’re going to have a hard time hearing you. I have seen people do the screen so it does work and I can hear them fine but it’s a little bit more difficult. It’s kind of a different set up. So we’re testing it out today. So here is, any other things on Periscope, we’ll finish up with Periscope. My suggestion is just sign up, watch some Periscopes, kind of learn how it works, maybe there’ll be quite like Terry where he jumped on, he had no idea how to turn off the screen. People kind of explain it. If you move, if you swipe right now, how do I send hearts? Oh good question! Great. You just tap the screen. And you could tap, tap, tap, tap, tap the screen over and over and over again. If you tap your screen on your phone, then it actually gets hearts. So I’m not sure, go ahead and try it. I haven’t seen the name of the person that asked that, but that’s a very good question. And you can tap up to 500 hearts. Kim Garst actually just came out, she’s a social media guru. Shout-out to Kim and she has created an actual course on this already. And she has over a million hearts. So

Oh my God, hearts, are you even kidding me?

I know, it’s hearts. Wendie, Wendie’s on. Okay Wendie, come on, give me some hearts. We’re begging for hearts here.

So wait, when I tap on my screen,

Oh there see, Wendie’s got the heart. See I know that was Wendie because I just had a whole bunch of hearts go through.

I just, I put through a heart, right and I just, my camera’s but there’s no hearts on them. Maybe instead of broadcasting my Periscope, I think you should follow me so I could give you hearts.

Wendie just said I’ll give you a heart. I’ve given you hearts.

Here’s some hearts.

But you have to be the viewer. As the viewer you’re giving hearts. As the speaker, you can’t, the hearts.

I don’t know, it’s like liking your own show, you can’t do that. No one likes that. Hey I gave myself a bunch of likes today, wohoo! I’m off.

Yeah, exactly.

I think one thing that I would add is whenever possible Periscope it. I think that would get you hearts, I think that will get you you. I’m not talking about just in general. Not mean, not that general. They’d probably do very well on this, right?

Yeah it’s kind of scary what could happen on Periscope, I agree with that.

I spoke to 5 websites, I’m happy with it. I know what I was looking for, I didn’t stay long. Most of them for over 60, I didn’t understand it.

Hey Terry, you know, they’re saying you’re muffled. Do you have a headset of not?

I do have a headset, yep.

Okay. Coz I’m thinking that’s what it is. But I’m going ahead while he gets a headset, I’m going ahead and talk about the new news feed because that’s the other piece that we want to talk about is Facebook, the new feed controls. And a lot of people don’t even know and I’d love to hear if, Terry already knows this. On Facebook, on people’s pages when on the Like button, you could drop down and tell us, on Periscope, too, if you knew this. You could add Get Notifications for any pages that you wanted to. So you’d actually get notifications, alerted whenever they post it. Do you know about that Terry, in the past?

I didn’t but I don’t use Facebook pages anymore as often as I used to.

Well yeah, yeah, exactly. But you know you’re looking at some other people’s pages. So the average consumer, kind of that’s why I wanted to ask you Terry coz the average consumer, I don’t feel is necessarily going to even learn about this. People were trying to get people to, you know, pages where say, hey make sure you add us to notifications, make sure you add us to notifications. Well in the end, I don’t think the average consumer really caught on to that, okay. So now they’ve added something else what’s called See first. What does that mean? It means that you’re going to see that, if you add them to see first they’re going to showing up in the news feed first. And I believe this is just rolling out, I believe it’s actually going to roll out on pages and profiles. So anytime, if you have your friends, you could add the See first on specific people. They’re going to show up higher on the news feed than the other stuff, junk, whatever, some stuff are junk definitely. And it’s under the Light. So I’m not sure if I’m I can show, let’s see how I could show this best but I do have it, so under the Liked and there is See First. So as you could see it’s in the drop-down Liked and then you drop-down on to See First. So if pages are really, you know, if you love a brand, go and do that. If you want to see your friends go and do that. I don’t know if it’s out there for some people and it’s not out there for others. So it’s just kind of one of those roll outs. It could be popular, it could be absolutely nothing but, you know, there’s been a lot of articles and a lot of talk about it right now. So See First, it kind of gives brands a little more power in the news feed because as of right now they don’t have a lot of power.

Well so from a brand’s perspective, that’s fantastic news. As a consumer I can’t stand that news. I want to figure out how to see nothing, most likely. And so part of the challenge and one of the things you said was you didn’t think the average consumer really ever figured it out. I think the reality is the average consumer never really cares. You think about the way we are and the way we consume information on Facebook and we’ve had this conversation before. I can put something out there that I couldn’t care less about and get no sort of feedback whereas I can put something out there really important and get tons of feedback, excuse me, and I can put something that’s really important to me in front of the people that are suppose to care most about me, there’s almost nothing. It’s like wait a second, you know I shouldn’t be finding out what I like. I mean, what’s the point here?

Exactly, exactly.

Facebook for business on your personal page, as much as I want that to be a thing, it’s still not a thing. I thought, it is, it is, for people who don’t like that part. They want to have fuzzy cats, hairy dogs and you know, look at my kids’ pictures. Unless your kid’s over 5, then your kid’s no longer cute. And they’re like will you change to something cool.

Yeah. Well that brings it to the point that you need to, and by the way, Wendie said very good point Terry so, we have some interaction.

Yey, Wendie, thank you.

But it brings to the point why do we have pages? One of the reasons you have to have a page as a brand or business is if you want to run ads you have to do that. You can’t run an ad through a personal profile anymore. So it does, there are some reasons to you need. And if you’re Coca-Cola, you can’t run that through a personal profile. So there definitely are reasons to have a business page. Granted I have 2 Janet E Johnsons, Wendie, who I’m going to give a shout-out to Wendie Pett, coz she’s on Periscope, too. We’re actually kind of challenging each other on Periscope, Wendie and I. So we’re going to be holding each other accountable. Terry be part of this, too, if you want. It always helps to hold each other accountable to things. And she has a Wendie Pett, Wendie Pett. She’s got a page, she’s got a profile. We got this discussion so many times and it’s a battle, you know, when you are your name, it’s a battle we all have. So it’s, should you? But for her she just had a walk-it off now program that she launched. And we sat down and did some ads for her and figured out some Facebook ads that, you know, pushed it out to her people that were already aware of who she was. So this could be a whole show but it’s, you know, sending it to the, in front of the people that have actually liked her page coz she’s quite a few likes on her fan page. And they already knew who she was, so she made more sales by doing those ads. So it makes sense in some respect to have a page, too.

That does makes sense. And I have a page, too, and it’s oddly enough to rebuild. I’ve got a networking page and couple other pages but I just never got the engagement and felt like people have last access to being able to see the content. that you can tell the views that’s low, low and so less people see it. I’m not boosting it, I’m not paying for it, do that as part of the job, need to whip up the wallet and spend some dough.

It is, it is actually if you really wanted to get something out there that’s, you know, you’ve got a strategy behind it. And we could even do a whole show on a Facebook strategy because this is a lot of what I teach. But you got to have a strategy behind where, what’s that end goal because if you’re going to spend money, you want to have a reason to spend the money.

Alright. So let’s talk, let’s do a show where we talk about how we use Facebook to market my book.

There we go, perfect.

Right! Coz I can dial in people that I’ve networked in, with their bio, right. I know that you can really target, really specifically with Facebook ads. So let’s use that as an example and then we can report on, right?

You got it, you got it. Terry gets free coaching, there you go.

Really! And you thought that was a good idea which is even better. That is just really a smooth talking cool right there.

That’s great, that’s great. Well, we’ve covered Facebook, we’ve covered Periscope, now let’s talk a little bit about your Tedx experience yesterday and then wrap it up.

Right on. So October 8, the Fox Theater in Detroit is Tedx Detroit. It’s the 7th one we put on which is crazy. My pal Charlie Wahlberg was a huge Ted fan in 2009. We may announced it you could produce your own Tedx event, he cried a bit and he’s been doing it ever since. Great job in curating stuff and getting the right speakers and the right information. Though it was a great day. That will be 1500 – 2000 people there which will be kind of an exciting event. So we went and deal over the Fox Theater. And the Fox Theater is gorgeous. There’s a lot of stunning architecture in Detroit that most people don’t know about because over the last 10, 20, 30 or 40 years, it has gone down, right? But the Fox is and has been exceedingly well-maintained and so it’s nice to have the one of that building and walk around it and check it out. So we did that, made some big decisions, none of which I’m involved. I don’t do any of the important stuff. I just help promote and tell people about it. But you know, the engineer and the sound person, the video person and the one that curates labs does a great job in lifting the team pull.

Wendie was actually, she just popped in, you know, you have to do the ADD thing here. And she said she was a Dallas candidate for the Tedx.

Really? Very cool!

Yes, yeah. You guys have to connect, yeah.

Absolutely so she’s in Dallas today? Still lives in Dallas?

No. She’s in the Minneapolis area.

Oh she’s up.

She’s from Dallas, so.

Do you, who’s, do they do in the Twin Cities? Is there more than one of the Twin Cities Tedx conferences?

Wendie, do you know? I don’t know if she’s still, I don’t think so that I know of.

Cool. You know if you still want to throw something on, just go to YouTube and type in Ted.

She doesn’t know either, so, yeah, okay.

There’s so many great and illuminating talks. You can just go to and watch the actual event. I mean that event is like $10,000 to get a ticket. It’s a thousand people that are in there. And 9 times out of 10 the audiences are as bit interesting as the person on stage. And there’s been Al Gore delivering his Inconvenient Truth. That was Ted talk. Bill Gates opened up a jar of mosquitoes and let it off in the audience as he was talking about malaria. Yeah.

I’d be running because they all flock to me.

But it’s crazy, right? Each ideas were spreading. So what’s your best idea, you’ve got 15 minutes to share it, go.


And that’s, it’s powerful stuff, if done well.

Yeah, yeah. It’s very important. I even saw Kim Kardashian did a Tedx talk which is amazingly funny.

Yeah, I don’t know what to do with that information.

Okay, I love Terry speechless, well this is probably a good time to end the show.

Yeah, maybe she’s going to be on Periscope with a towel.

There you go, exactly. Periscope. Well that ain’t happening. I mean, you know, the worst case scenario I did the bikini thing but I didn’t show the bikini.


But I love it, I love it. Thanks Wendie for hopping on, that’s for whoever also hopped on to the Periscope side of thing. And a lot of people do watch the Periscopes later so that will happen also. And then we will be launching the show out, too. So you guys can watch us on video or listen to us. We would love to have you subscribe to our channel, or basically we’re on YouTube or Stitcher. I know Terry’s more kind of the Stitcher side, I’m the iTunes. So you can subscribe to the podcast, it’s called Business Growth Time or just head to our website, you could find out everything. So thank you guys for your time and looking forward to our next show.

That’s my, I’m just showing a quick picture. That’s our request to Eljin of the Simpsons. They’ll get him out here to Tedx Detroit. So those are all my Simpsons DVDs and people’s hands, it’s pretty funny. Alright. I look forward to seeing you soon. See the rest of you when we do, thanks to Janet Johnson.
