Transcript 60 – #workfromhomedads Campaign

Transcript 60 – #workfromhomedads Campaign

Hey this is Terry Bean coming at you with another Business Growth Time. As usual hanging out with my friend Janet E Johnson. And based on the last 15 minutes before we even started recording this, I’m going to say the E stands for engaging. What’s up girl?

Hey yes we were engaging. We were so engaged in a conversation, we had about half an hour conversation before we even started the show, didn’t we? Yes.

Yeah. I always said push the record button like three time, dude.

I know. Yes, we talked a little bit about just you know, what social networks work? What doesn’t work? What works for different businesses? And I was just telling Terry that here’s my tip, I’m going to give the first tip Terry, Pinterest. Pinterest drives traffic. We had looked at our stats Terry coz, you know, I’ve never seen something tweeted so much with one of our shows that we did. It’s Keri’s show. And it was tweeted, tweeted, tweeted, tweeted but the numbers on the click-throughs weren’t that much higher than the other shows which were tweeted as much. So what is kind of proving to Terry and I is that people might not necessarily be clicking through on Twitter. They might share it. You know, how many people go oh re-tweet, re-tweet, re-tweet, that’s easy to do. But the people that are actually clicking on the link and following through to read something I think those stats are pretty low.

I, you know what, for me I share stuff on Facebook because of the headline and it will be engaging and it will be something that I want to read but I may have not read it and I’m going to read it later. And I would think that that might be true for Twitter and other social media tools, too, that we’re using that as a bookmark, as the ability to stay connected to what we want to be. But based on what we’re talking about was the numbers, we’re actually going back and re-listening to it or reading it later. So Pinterest is your tip, eh, get out there and start pinning things.

Yes, it drives traffic.

You said it was major for us, right? Certainly at the top 10 of all the things that have been done.

It’s been on the top 10 for mine, it’s been on the top 10 for other people’s, too. So, yeah. I mean, it’s my Janet E Johnson blog, I all, I ever had done for a while was pin a blog post, pin a blog post, pin a blog post, that’s it, okay. When I do a blog post, I pin it. And I was amazed that Facebook was above it because I spend a lot of time on Facebook and then it was 8, 9, 10. I can’t remember, it fluctuates. And those 2 are the 2 social media in the top 10. Otherwise I’d, Twitter wasn’t there, but I didn’t have to do much work on Pinterest in order for it to get there. So yeah

You push pin, right? I mean, let’s be honest it’s not that tough.

No, you’re right.

It’s probably not as hard as getting re-tweet, really if you think about it.

Well that’s true but you actually get the traffic from Pinterest which is..

Oh you’re saying it is easier, well not really but it works.

Yes. It works. And for people, I have heard over and over for people that actually have a true and I’ve done some larger strategies with people on Pinterest that they more than just what we’ve looked at we’re talking about. But some people, it’s their number 1 blog post., number 1 to the blog post. So, yeah. You know what it can work.

Pinterest man. So if you’re giving that out because we’re talking a little bit about some consulting and trying to figure out how to actually promote our businesses without ever really sounding like we’re promoting our business. But, so you do a lot of social media consulting, like to help people with that. Okay, that’s enough promotion.

Perfect, perfect. That’s great! Yes, yes, and Terry, yes. What do you, LinkedIn, give us one quick tip. I’ll put you on the spot.

So my favorite tip for LinkedIn is you have the ability to create a custom url for your LinkedIn page. is mine. Most people don’t ever change it and it ends up being And that’s long and kind of ugly and random. But if you change it and customize it. It’s really easy to do. All you have to do is actually look at your page and you can probably figure it out, otherwise I’ve got a video for it somewhere. You can change it and then put it as your email address signature. Right! Are you LinkedIn? Me too. It’s a great way to grow your LinkedIn network withe people you’re already connected to.

Yes, yes, perfect. And that’s so, it is actually really an easy easy thing to do. So it makes sense to go do it. Yep. Perfect. And LinkedIn is Terry’s area so there we go, there’s your promotion – Terry. If you have any questions for Terry, LinkedIn would be his specialty. He teaches a lot of courses, don’t you? You train.

I, yeah. That’s more enough of that’ll do. Any, just consulting, that you need to grow your business that’s where I really.


LinkedIn’s a cool tool, really cool.

It is.

Alright, so what’s all your fun things…

Oh, oh fun things, wait, wait, wait. I have some for you .

You do? Oh I’m excited.

I did, I did. Okay so we have to real quick do our song. And

It’s not like our song really.

Not at all, 80s song. The 80s song.

Oh yes.

Well people have listened to this show before, we have this game but I now have turned it into, I have to trick Terry because he is like king of the 80s songs.

That’s funny and not overly straight.


80s music, I’m sorry, I was just going to say 80s music was really cool.

It was.

I still listen to the First Wave and 80s n

Here it is. Can you hear it?

Oh yeah, Modern English – I Melt with You.

And what’s the movie?

Ah, that’s a good question. Oh you know what, it was probably in a couple. I can’t believe you figured it. Was it John Hughes. I’m trying to remember who is in it. Oh you know what, it was Nicolas Cage and it was Valley Girl.

Yes, you got it. I was going to say, “totally awesome.”

Too many movies just went through my head out coz they’re all the same at certain points, right? But that was, I love that one. That was a good movie.

You got it, you got it.

Great movie.

Yes, so that was a good one. I almost stumped you, I couldn’t do it though.

You did, I like that. I can’t believe I couldn’t come up with the movie faster. There’s so many classic 80s scenes. I kept picturing John Cusack for some reason in Say Anything, right?

Oh I love that movie, too.

Not that that was the song but I was thinking that was the movie.

Yep, yep.

Either Peter Gabriel do it In Your Eyes blast that boombox.

Oh the boombox, it’s over the head, I remember that one. Yes. That was great.

Okay well we want to talk about, let’s get into the meat here and we’re going to talk about working from home. There’s a lot of people that we’re talking to right now that owners of business, they work from home, day in and day out. Or they may have their own business and work from home here and there. So let’s talk about this because you have a new campaign going called, what’s the hashtag? I believe it’s #workfrom?

It’s and I have a hashtag question for you, lady hashtag.


How do I go about making no longer work from home dads, which is way long to just wfhd? Because

You can do that, yeah, anytime you want. Just change it but you just need to make sure that you’re tagging every single thing you do with that hashtag.

Yes. But I don’t use, is it better to have a long obnoxious hashtag like really descriptive?

You know we’ve talked about this with our show, too. You know, should it be #BGT, you know, #businessgrowthtime, or should it be #bizgrowthtime? You know #BGT is easy to remember as You know,


W-F, what was that again, you know. So you do want to actually, I believe you would rather have it longer but have it so that you know…

Longer and descriptive.


Yeah, right, you know what you’re talking about. So #workfromhomedads was a, my daughter and I went on a paddle board ride, which is incidentally exactly what I did 4 seconds before we jumped on this call. It was a blast. It was Father’s Day and we went around the lake and we’re out there for about 45 minutes, maybe an hour. And we’re talking about how much time we’re going to be spending together this summer. Because I want to be primarily working at the house, you know. And over the years I have my clients have me go to their place, you know, I don’t have any like that. They want to see me once a week. It is perfect! I want to stay here as much as possible, anyway. I’m a social hermit. And

We all are, apparently. Technology helps you be that way now, that’s the thing.

Absolutely, yeah. So as we’re talking about spending time together, like you know, one of the things that we end up discussing is how I’ll get with you in a little bit and we’ll hang out but I got to get this work done, right? Try and balance it out, we’re fifty minutes to an hour, I’m working in 10 minutes an hour, I’m playing with her is the average of the course of the day, right. And sometimes it’s just 10-minute intervals and sometimes we stack it up and hang out for 30-40 minutes but I work for couple of hours. What if we can work together? What if we can work on something that’s going to allow us to interact and engage and have some fun while teaching her some skills that may be valuable and more importantly helping me do the stuff that I know I need to do. I always feel like at my highest level I should be creating some sort of video content and and information that shares out and helps people get a better grasp on whatever it is that they’re trying to do. I feel like that’s my highest purpose in this life but I’m too shy to actually do it. So if I’m looking at my kid and I’m doing it with her and for her, maybe that’s the accountability and just the push that I need to make sure that I’m getting it done, right? So we were like, “yeah this is cool!” She was totally in to it. She’s going to film me and edit the video and most importantly share it because that’s the hardest part for me — I put good stuff down but actually putting that out there makes me uncomfortable. So she’s going to go ahead and take care of all that stuff and we’re going to work together on it. And it’s been really cool. We’ve made 7 or 8 videos, so far. And she was on vacation like 4 days already. Catch the vacation conversation.

Oh yeah. Does she, now do you pay her?

I do, yes.

Coz that, I mean, if I don’t pay my kids there’s no motivation at all.

You know what, I was smart about it. I said I will pay you weekly right now and then I will pay you a bonus when we’re done in 8 weeks, right? We have a 60-day plan. So on day 60, if she meets all the things that we need to do week in, week out, she’ll get a significant bonus. She likes to make more on day 60 than she does every week.

Got it.

Si it’s really an ingenious payment plan.

Good idea! Well my payment plan with Joel, and I do the same thing — similar but little bit different coz he’s only 10. So I do the brunch of the work on the backend of uploading the videos and putting them on. But he has, we talked about this once before but if somebody’s new to the show, he has a YouTube channel called TNT Joel. And he opens toys and shows his Legos and does different things with the newest, latest, greatest toys. And, yeah, we don’t get them bought for us at this point so, what he, how he gets paid is by getting the toys. I mean at this point, he’s 10 years old, he gets the toys, you know, he doesn’t make a paycheck. But down the road, you know, YouTubers do very, very well and that kind of, very well if you could it right. So you know, we’re building it at this point.

That’s exciting and we’ve talked about some of the most watched YouTube channels and therefore most paid YouTube channels, they’re kids stories, right? Like several at the top 10.

Yes, exactly, exactly. We watched this kid named EvanTube and he is 8 years old, cutest little kid. He gets sent target toys and toys from all these different companies. And I read an article about him recently, he had mad $1.8M last year in 2014 just strictly though his YouTube channel, opening toys.

What? What! Wow man,

Now everybody’s going to want and go on and set their kids start a YouTube channel, aren’t they?

You sure. But actually I just want him to adopt me, you know. Fairly he’s building a better business that I am. Maybe he should be on this show. Okay, all is fair.

Isn’t that great? Yeah, yeah.

$1.8M. There’s a couple of things I’ve seen like that. We’re just talking about social media management and what the lady makes. You know I’ll let you get that number in a second. I just talked to, or excuse me, I just read about a person that made a $148,000 in 6 months doing webinars and I was like man, you know what, I can do some webinars, that will be fun. And all I have to do is get over that shyness about marketing. What was that, what was that social media manager Megan?

Close to $200,000.


In last year, Uh-huh. So that’s, you know, something that definitely the businesses, if you put it in the right direction you can make some really good money. You know one of the things that I work hard on is getting the residual piece. In place like, for instance, YouTube, what’s great about that is when you’re running all those Google ads and getting more and more views, you know, people go back for years to all the videos. And that’s where the residual can come in, you know even way back in old videos, too. So you know, it works. It definitely can build up a residual overtime. It’s just you got to build it. And I think it’s like any business, you know. If we, give this to any business listening to this, you’re not going to build a business over night. It takes time and you got to have the patience to get started. Social media — you don’t start a Facebook fan page and have, you know, gazillion followers. It takes time to build that following.

Or less if you want to ride following. It’s really easy to have a couple of thousand followers that are just pure garbage. But they don’t engage with you and they’re not there for you. They’re just there because you gave somebody money to put them there. That’s not authentic or good, right? I’d rather have a 150 fans that are paying attention and engaged than 1500 fans that were doing nothing.

That’s exactly it, that’s exactly it. And when there’s new platforms out there like the Periscope or the, what’s, Meerkat or, you know, anything that comes out that’s new. You know what, you’ve got to start from scratch again. And that’s fine. I mean, I think it’s kind of fun to build from scratch sometimes because then you’re starting new. I wish I could start my Facebook profile all over again. And clean that thing up. Because back in the day all I care about was finding every single person that came across my desk, you know. Now I just don’t want to friend, you know, as many unless there’s this very, very specific connections. So

How many people do you have in queue waiting to on your Facebook friend?

Over a thousand.

Or you just ignore them? That’s awesome!

I just, yeah, I quit.

Can’t ignore though, can you?

Lately I’ve been looking, if I see it and I have to, I just go okay, they make sense. That would make sense. But if they don’t make sense and I have no clue who they are, I just won’t do it anymore. You know, there’s a follow now.

Do you have more “friends” like on your actual Facebook pages as oppose fans on your business page?

I have almost the same. About over 3,000 on each. So


It kind of balances out but they’re completely different audiences.


Two completely different audiences. The ones on my page are actually people that truly have followed that page for business purposes, you know. And friends, you know, it’s a mix. There’s a lot of business owners, there’s a lot of family, that kind of thing, too. So, yeah, completely different audiences.

My page is nowhere near my friends. I wish, I wanted to change that. At some point I thought about just changing and making my page my real Terry After Dark page but turns out I haven’t done, it was either one of them. I could have not, I’m not a 100% myself on Facebook. You know, 92%, 93% but I mean I’ve dropped the F-bomb 4 times on Facebook. You know I was really calculated about each and every day. And I wish drop the F-bomb four times in a conversation if we’re on the phone. So it’s not exactly who I am.

Yeah. And you know that’s the one thing like a page I would do things differently than a profile.


So, it’s just, you know, I’m sharing my vacations and whatever, that’s not going to go on my business page, you know.


So it’s people that, you know, are friends of yours that care about that. So let’s, we have two more minutes, I want to finish up with your work from, I want to do this again, #workfromhomedads. What is this going to teach others? What have you?

So there…

Go ahead.

There were a handful of categories that I laid out. One of them was about LinkedIn and tips about LinkedIn. One of them was about the love, attraction and how it’d receive the things that you want in life. One of them is a book that I want to write called 6 degrees of connectiveness. And the 6 degrees specifically are being connected to your self, other people, the planet, technology, the universe and your bliss. And so I break down those 6 things, it was based on a TED talk I did in 2009. So really high energy kind of fun stuff or not. And some of it’s just life lessons and things I’m teaching my daughter. You know, we’re talking about how to overcome obstacles the other day and I just, every once in a while I’m in the moment and it’s like this is a video, let’s go, let’s talk about this and make it live. Kind of like what we do here. So it’s, they’re all short, they’re under 2 minutes. The other cool thing, and this is really cool, my wife said, “well why don’t you go film some other people,” and I’m like why I can’t charge for that. And a sec oh I can if I write them like a script and help them formulate who their business is. So I put a really special offer out for 24 hours, not even, 18. And we have 5 people that took us up on it. And so the “little project’s” going to make a little bit of money, too.

Yeah, see, that’s great.

Which is cool.

See, so that’s teaching people right here that you can turn being home with your kids into something that can turn around and profit. So it’s not only you’re helping people by doing this. You are teaching, training and then you’re profiting, coz we run a business so we need the profit, you know. It’s a business. And I don’t want people that are listening to this to forget that either. You know, we all go out and create, we’ll be social, we’ll do all these things. But in the end we need the profit to make a business in order to stay on business. So perfect!

It’s a great, great closing and a great tip. You know it’s important for all to remember. What are you going to do to make the cash register ring the day. And that’s the, that’s what I got to keep working on my self and making sure I always am coz we live an expensive lifestyle.

Exactly, exactly, we all do. It’s the way of the world. It’s the technology today. The kids want the newest, latest, greatest and you have no choice, just seem to be the way it is.

Yes ma’am, yes ma’am.

Well cool! Well let’s have people join our group, it’s a Facebook group and it’s called Business Growth Time. Just search it and ask to join. We share different content there. We are going to start giving away things, I think the next thing we want to give away is Terry’s book, that would be great. And we’re going to figure out some different things there that will help engage you. And if we have speakers or guests on the show, which we have another one coming up, I think soon, you can ask questions in there. They’re going to be part of that group, too, and if you have questions for them you can ask questions. So join that group and if you are an iTunes listener, please head over there, subscribe to the channel, or show, however, you know, I’m used to saying subscribe to the channel YouTube, sorry. But subscribe and write a review. Tell us what you think. We’d love to hear from you.

Oh perfect, we’d love to hear from people. That would be great.

Awesome, alright! Well, thanks Terry, have a good one. We’ll talk to you guys soon.

You too Janet, be good.