Show 27 – Tools with Janet and Lisa – Transcript

Show 27 – Tools with Janet and Lisa – Transcript

Hey everyone, welcome to Social Media Hangout Time. I”m here today with Lisa Saline as our…


She’s our guest, well not guest, she kind of guest, it’s kind of funny to explain it but …

My alter ego?

Yes, exactly. You can run from behind the scene so and now Kimmy is behind the scene, right behind Lisa as you can sse, we’ll lock the screen so there’s Kimmy. She’s kind of still here with us.

Oh funny.

Well today we are going to talk about more social media tools. If you didn’t catch the other show, a few weeks back we have covered some social media tools and Lisa and I just kept saying, “we know even more, we have more,” so we decided to do a second show on social media tools. What we’re going to …

That’s awesome.

Oh go ahead.

No, I think tools are really important and we were talking a little bit about strategy. Once people have a strategy together and they get overwhelmed because they think that they have to do their strategy or deploy all of their content and strategy manually without a tool. So we wanted to just kind of share the love a little bit about some of the things that make our life a little bit easier and it’s very helpful. So you’re a pro at using some of these tools, you use them frequently in the business. So we’re going to touch base on Facebook and Google+. I’m going to do a little on Twitter, some other things that we use to help our lives a little bit easier when we’re deploying some of the content.

Makes a difference, makes a big difference.

Let’s start with Facebook. We had interviewed the founder of Heyo before and Heyo was one you’re a big fan of. So why don’t you share with me a little bit how Heyo helps and what kind of features and benefits they have.

Yeah, well and if nobody’s, if you are listening to us today and you have not heard of Heyo, what Heyo actually is is it’s a for your Facebook apps and that has to be a separate hosting platform. And so you actually have to post that outside of Facebook. So you have to find some sort of system that provides this hosting. And I found Heyo about, oh my gosh, 3+ years ago I think I’ve been with them and I tried a lot of others. Some actually went out of business because things changed but Heyo, Nathan will not give up ever so you never have to worry about Heyo going anywhere. And this app, the way they have it set up is like you can build a website within your Facebook page and it’s simple drag and drop. They make it so easy and so simple that you don’t have to know graphic design at all, you don’t even have to know how to build a website, anything like that is just a simple drag and drop. They have…

Drag a drop is a good thing for people like me who, I understand the whole concepts of technology and but I’m not a graphics designer so if there are things out there that can make my life easier and I just can import it, change the text a little I think that’s awesome.

Yeah, yeah, that’s all it is. And so what I use this for is you know you can do about page, you can do a sales page, you can drag and drop the sales page right in there. You can do lead capture, we talked about that. It can, let’s say your goal is to build an email list. Everybody’s goal, and Lisa’s and our opinion is you need to build an email list.


So we want to make sure that you’re doing that and one great way to do that is through an app and there’s many ways that they offer the collecting of emails and another one is contest. So Facebook contest you can launch a different Facebook giveaway and literally collect the email, make people share on Facebook, share on Twitter. They’re all set up in there. You just have to put the different links and viola, put in a logo and you can be all set to go.

So you have your own little sales force basically. If somebody opt in on a contest and it wants you to share that, I mean it gives you, you don’t have to leave the app to log in to Twitter or leave the app to play something on Facebook so, you know, it just makes it really easy for your – people that are engaged with you, people that like you to tell everybody about it. Tell them what’s going on so that’s awesome.

Drives more traffic a) to your email list and b) it grows the likes, comments, shares and your, and you know, that’s the main goal – an engagement, overall engagement. So I highly suggest trying it, see what they have. They even now have a new photo contest where people can upload their photos in. It’s really cool so they have so much to offer and I just suggest try it out, it’s free to try it out and test it out. And then there’s different pricing options.

So how could a business like an orthodontic office use Heyo? What benefits would it bring to them other than building the email list because I mean, that’s not a sexy business, is it? I mean teeth and braces, but you know, why would they want to use something like that?

Well, Lakeville Orthodontics, I’ll give a shout out to them…


They are a sexy business because they got quite the office. So we actually did one where we showed off their office. And we did a video walk through. I believe we have a slide show video and we put that right inside the app, you can drag and drop videos into the app. You can drag and drop your YouTube channel into the app. You can, there’s a Pinterest one, too, so if you have great Pinterest boards you can have a whole Pinterest. I mean there’s just so many, it goes on and on. The other thing is we’ve focused on reviews for their Google Places. So we actually dragged and dropped and app, you can put the link to their Google Places and ask people for reviews, too. So it’s just…

Right in Facebook, so using Heyo you can get reviews on Google Places without even leaving Facebook.


That’s a ninja trick, right there? I think that’s awesome. Yeah, it’s good. You think of a tour of the office, testimonial videos and without having to leave Facebook. So awesome!

Lots of options.

Great! Now how about if we move on to another one that I know you’re pretty fond of and that’s Post Planner.

Yeah. Post Planner, those guys are great and their always adding more and more information to, they’re just trying to make it better and better and better. And it is specific to Facebook only at this point, pre-scheduling tool. And it’s more than just a pre-scheduling tool. One of the number one thins I use it for is actually getting content ideas. So once again in Post Planner you can go sign up for absolute for free and test it out. And you can go, I think it’s something like a thousand plus content ideas, I don’t know if you know, maybe even more than that at this point. Questions, holidays, techie, shout outs. You know if you’re wondering what to post they have it.

But is it ideas or is it already pre-written content where you can just click on it and share that content? You don’t even have to use brain power, you just have to pick a category.

Uh-huh. Yep. There’s two different ways to use it, not that Josh would love me saying this, but you can actually grab it out of there and post it directly and copy out of there or you can pre-schedule right within Post Planner for that piece of things. They have trendy topics, too, that’s the other thing that they have so you can see what’s actually trending on Facebook within this Post Planner app, too.

Oh that’s cool.

You can post to multiple Facebook pages through the one app, so that’s a neat way to do things. So if you’re, oh let’s say for instance LearningRx who I work with, they have three different locations and they could post on all three of their Facebook pages at the same time. So there’s a lot to it, more than I even can answer so we need to …

Yeah the full suite of it, yeah, that’s awesome. We’ll have to interview them and come in and give us a little more detailed tour of that. That’s awesome.

I agree. I agree, great program.

That’s great. Now let’s move on to the Google+. Google+ is a hot topic because, I mean, obviously we like to do our hangouts on Google+ and share content. There’s a lot of, it’s a different level on engagement on Google+. And one of the things when we’re building our Google+ audience is putting people in circles. So I think you have an app, is it Circleo, Circlescope, Circlo? You say it, I know you’re using it.

Just because I’m using it doesn’t mean I know how to say it.

You’re funny.

It is good because I did put in, the first time online, I put Circle, with an ‘e’ and you know I’m like, it’s not coming up. So it’s called Circlo, I guess, scope – Circloscope is how you would spell it. We need to have those guys on too so then they can explain a little more about the company. But this product, honestly, I have gone up in followers, well I went well over a thousand now and two tweaks with this product. So you know I was at 900, so a little over a hundred and twenty with two little things that I just tested and I don’t even know the full suite of it. But what this product does is it basically if you’re working to build a Google+ audience and build your circles and build your followers on Google+, this will put it on steroids. So this is like the speed way to do it. It’s not cheating, it’s not getting dumb followers like you don’t want.

It’s not black hat marketing or anything like that?

Not at all.


What it is is you can go to, let’s just use Ryan Hanley as an example because he was on our show and he has a great following. So I can take his exact link and I can paste it to Circloscope and I can see who his followers are. I can see all the followers, he’s got so many it took forever to load so you can stop at a certain point, too. But what you can do then is say okay that might be my type of audience. My audience, his audience might be my type of audience. So I’m going to go and follow a bunch of those people and see who follows me back. And you can do that over and over again, that’s one way of doing it. Let’s say you’re running an event. You can actually take whoever has post in that event, said yes to that event and go follow them after that event. So it’s very specific, you can take the inactive people and pull them off but it’s all in a click of one button. So like…

A circle basically is like building your own list and you know you’re just putting them in a bucket that are all like-minded, that you can see and have little bit more control over. You know you’re talking about your events and things like that. I think of Twitter, how you know I can make a list on Twitter. But this is going to help you manage those people in the circle and do more, to find out more niche-specific information.

Relevant, yeah. If you want to really try to figure out, follow the people that are relevant to you and see if they follow you back. And if they don’t follow you back you can always remove them, too. So there’s, and it’s in a swoop with this product. So it’s just amazing, we really should have them on because I really feel like Google+ has a lot of power that a lot of people aren’t taking advantage of.

It’s not tapping into it, yeah.

Exactly, exactly. So that one is $47 a year.


But not a big investment and I think it’s well worth it if this is the area that you want to focus.

Sure, definitely. And how about there’s another one called DoShare.


And why don’t you talk a little bit about that one.

Well I work Google+ differently than some. If you’re an entrepreneur, let’s say network marketer, you are the business. Yeah. You’re the business. You’re going to get more out of this if you use it as a profile.


And so I have been building my business on Google+ as personal. Well, Profile has a little bit of hindrances too where you cannot schedule posts to from Hootsuite to Google+. Well you can do a business page but not your profile.


So it’s a lot of pain to be able to figure out how I can I get there more often without having to really literally be on there where I can post and pre-schedule like you can do all over the place everywhere else.


DoShare can do that for you. And so it is in Chrome store, it’s absolutely free. This one’s a totally free tool, never have to pay for it. This one is in the Chrome store though and it ends up on the, so you have to be Chrome.

In your toolbar. Okay.

And only downfall is you actually have to have your computer on and running in order for that scheduled post to happen. So if you turn off your computer, shut it down overnight or something like that and you’re computer’s not running, that scheduled post won’t happen. So…

So that is a kind of a flaw in that but I can see that because if you’re with your laptop and you’re using that tool, killing time waiting for a meeting and check your laptop, don’t open it for three days, it’s not going anywhere, right? Interesting.

You and I won’t have that issue with not opening our computer for three days but…

I’m sorry I don’t shut mine off.

Me neither. That’s good. But it’s a great way to get around posting/scheduling on your profile is basically what it is.

There’s a lot of learning curve on these tools. What I love about the tools and I want to just kind of mention that, too, is they always have really good help section. So most of them have video tutorials on how to use them. So often I see people say oh I tried it and never used it. And then I ask them did you look at the tutorials? Oh I didn’t know they had that. So go back and tutorials and make sure that you can do a walk through on that. It’s very simple to learn those.

Yes it is.

So another one, I’m going to mention this one because I am a big Twitter user. I love Twitter, I like it for doing a lot of research on companies and finding out how to build a list and also posting content. You can post a lot of content on Twitter because the streams are flowing so fast and one of the things that I like is SocialOomph is they have a free version and they have a paid version. In the paid version, and I think it’s ten bucks a month and $15 a month. The paid version is nice because you can find really good content and you can put it in a repost bucket. So basically when you’re creating content and your posting it will go and post your content into Twitter and then it puts it on the bottom of the list so it will recycle it for you. So you don’t have to continually worry about reposting that content. And you know, there’s a lot of good, quality information out there. And if you post it once you forget unless you put it on a spreadsheet. Well now with SocialOomph you don’t have to do that. So it does a really good job at managing and like it will have the unfollow feature and help you source the right kinds of hashtag searches. But that’s what I like the best about the SocialOomph.

Does it also help you build followers, too, like and help you be able to follow people where they follow you back?

Yep, well there’s a lot of different parameters in there that you can set, you know, that will pull up list of people and say hey, by the way I think you might like this. So it is a good tool.

Great! Yeah, sounds like a great one. I used it years ago but it’s been quite a while. So I think I’ve heard a lot of people recommend it though, too.

Yeah. Good. And then let’s get in to some other tools that are not necessarily specific to one specific platform but they’re used on these platforms. And both you and I agree that building our email list is important and I’ve fallen in love with LeadPages and you’ve been using it, too. So why don’t you go ahead and talk about that.

Well, you know, and I’m going to tell people my experience with LeadPages because I’m one of those people that, I mean, I’m not afraid to spend money on tools, obviously. I have many, we both have many that we use. But it was one that I thought, you know, I can get around that habits. And so I build couple different programs and just build my own sales page, hired out the sales copy and lot of work, lot of work involved. I use OptimizePress, which is still a great product. I’m just, that’s what I was using. And I didn’t know, okay is this sales copy going to pull, is it not going to pull? How’s it going to work? What do I need to add? How do I this add-on? I mean there’s just so many pieces to creating a sales page. And been that I had on my third program I finally decided that it was time to look again at LeadPages. And once I did I have actually converted now two of my sales pages over the LeadPages and plan to do the third one over the LeadPages, too, because it’s a systematic, these guys test it. They have put together a truly tested what works, what converts. If you have a sales page that doesn’t convert, there’s no point in even having a sales page.

Absolutely. That’s the one thing I love about the LeadPages, too, is you can offer, you know, a white paper or you can have a webinar, you can have a video and it’s all set up for you. So you already have the resources there from these big marketers that do this. They in then are making money with their sales page so why would you not want to swipe and adapt? You know , deploy what’s already working. So lots of great tools in there.

They have the, it reminds me of Heyo, too. It’s a drag and drop. It’s very drag and drop, you can bring in some of your graphics but it’s more so simplified that you can put the YouTube link and boom, there you have a big video on the sales page. It’s just so easy.

Well and also as you build your email list, it also integrates with data base. It’s like if you’re using Aweber for your auto responder sequence and that could be over the top for some of the people listening. But you know that’s sending out an email that you’ve got up. So a lot of the tools that you already use, Aweber. I’d love Infusionsoft because there’s a lot of marketing campaigns. Well you just have an API that says ‘somebody came to my page, they opt in now my marketing system can take over from there. So whereas when you have your own website, you’re creating a whole page yourself. You’re trying to make the links work for those tools that you already have. So they do a fabulous job on that.

They do.

Yeah, I’ve fallen in love with Infusionsoft because now it’s all integrated.

Great. And LeadPages, we’d like to, we’re mentioning the prices. LeadPages starts at about $297 a year and up there’s different package. And what is InfusionSoft pricing?

InfusionSoft, it’s a one-time set up fee because you can get a lot of coaching along with it. It’s a very robust marketing system. And then on a monthly basis it’s anywhere, depends on who you buy it from, I guess and then there’s specials but anywhere from $250 to $350 a month, depends on the levels that you come in.


But this is a timesaver. It’s pretty amazing.

Okay. And so we’ll put those links on our site and I think that covers the top ones. I think we’ve gotten through a lot of the tools that we mainly use and this, you’ll be able to find these information on our show notes on our blog. And you can find at because this is show number 27. So be sure to check out all these tools, they are all fantastic whether you use one, all of them, it doesn’t matter. But check them out and let us know what you think of them.

And I’d like to add, too, that if you are someone that has a tool that’s beneficial for social media, feel free to reach out to us. We’d love to do interviews of people that are creating things to make other people’s lives easier. So share the tools on our Facebook page, too, and let us know what you like. So we appreciate your attending and until next week we will see you.

Alright, thanks a lot. Have a good one.

Thanks Janet. Bye.
