Show 25 – Dan Mazzini – Transcript

Show 25 – Dan Mazzini – Transcript

Hi, I’m Janet Johnson here today with Social Media Hangout Time. And we have an excellent guest today talking all about hashtags. His name is Dan Mazinni of Cybrand, CyBranding Ltd, sorry about that Dan. Welcome Dan we’re excited to have you, thank you for coming on.

Hi Dan!

Thank you for inviting me. Hi Lisa.

Hey I have a quick question for you before we even start, have you ever been interviewed by a puppet?

Ahh, no, actually this is the first time and I’m a little emotional of this.

Do I make you all nervous?

Yes, I’m really nervous.

Awesome! Well we’re so excited to have you on the show today and I just want to do a little introduction that I hear that you are someone who loves Marketing and Psychology.


That you’re the founder of CyBranding Ltd and that you are also the founder of Hashtagify, which is a system that I have fallen in love with myself because I use it all the time for research. So Dan if you could tell us a little bit more history about Cybranding and your hashtag intelligence, that would be awesome.

Okay, okay so let’s start with the history. Hashtagify started more than 3 years ago now as a hobby project because I was doing something different at that time. I had a day job and I had a side project where I want to use Twitter to promote it and it was the first time I learned how to use Twitter for that and then I learn about the hashtags. And I found that very interesting. At that point I need a way to find the best hashtags to use to promote my project. The problem was I didn’t find any good tool to do that. So after studying the subject a little I came out with the idea and said, “wouldn’t it be really cool if we could see from one hashtag, from 1 static hashtag which are the top-related hashtags and then navigate that to find the best hashtags for your use because sometimes you know where to start but you don’t know what hashtag is really the best one for you.” And so from that I started creating this website, Hashtagify.Me which, first it was a simple website but with this cool feature that lets you search for a hashtag and find the top rated hashtags. As we went on I started writing some more features but it was just a hobby project. After some time I was contacted by people who said, “ah you know this is really cool but don’t you have a professional version because I would like to be able to do this, to do that and so on.” And at that point I started studying with them what they would need and the idea for CyBranding and hashtag intelligence, which is a tool, not just to search for hashtags but to get deeper intelligence about given hashtag was born. So I started creating that website, this new tool while still employed in a day job. And last year the thing was growing enough so I decided to make the leap of faith and I left my day job, I raised some money and I stopped working full time on CyBranding Ltd and both Hashtagify and CyBranding.

Nice. I like the story. Yeah, I love it, love it. It’s also a unique story showing entrepreneurship and how to build something while you’re still working but then you’re able to leave that day job. Love it.

And it definitely takes guts to do that, too. I’ve done that and …


… it is sometimes you just, like you said you have to take that leap of faith. Good for you.

Yes, really. Thank you, thank you, yes really. Specially when you have a family already.

Exactly. Exactly so that’s great! And we have a lot of listeners that are entrepreneurs so that’s a great story to start with. And so let’s talk a little bit more about Hashtagify. First off, I have to read you, this came across my Facebook this morning and I thought it just fits so perfectly. So I want you to talk about a little bit before we get into your tool exactly what you would say to the people that really don’t understand hashtags? And this one is kind of funny, it was a little cartoon character that says, it’s an old lady, and she says, “I’m so old I remember when a hashtag was called a pound sign. And before that we played tic-tac-toe on that ‘same’ plane, I don’t know but it was her word.” Anyway but I though it was funny because it’s like I still want to call it a pound sign. So what do you say to the people that are not even familiar with hashtags or they just don’t understand? Everybody’s familiar now but they don’t get it.

Yep. This is interesting and of course depends, if your granny uses Twitter, it is much easier to explain to her. If she doesn’t even use that, it’s not so easy. But basically the way I try to explain is this: let’s say that you have a conversation but the room is full of people having many different conversations. So how can you find what is the group who is talking about the subject that you are interested in to. Hashtags are a way, it is as if you appended a sign saying “here we are talking about this; here we are talking about the World Cup; here we are talking about marketing, we are talking about Italy and so on”. And this, the way to create a sign like this on Twitter and many other social media is the hashtag (#). So when you see a # it means, I have an intention to show that this word is special, this word is about the topic of what I’m talking about. So you can have many words, or on Twitter not so many words because you are very limited, so every character counts on Twitter. And they found this very effective way to show what should be the topic you are talking about. And I don’t know if you know about this but hashtag actually were originated from chat rooms, did you know?

I’d heard that before, yes.

Yes, I did. And that was programming speak because programmers what they did is, you know that deep, dark programming where you had the black screen and the yellow letters? It was a search tool for them during their program. That’s how they pulled up their strings of content.

Yeah. Also that was also a way. But at the beginning of the internet, one of the big tools to connect with other people was called IRC – Internet Relay Chat which was a way to chat on real-time with people. It was text only, of course, not like now where we can speak and see each other. And you would create rooms to speak and the name of the room was practically a hashchat, I mean a hashtag. It was a word stating with the pound symbol. So somebody, I don’t remember his name right now but he is pretty famous. Somebody, when Twitter was new, said why don’t we use, why don’t we start using the same convention here and capturize what we say using the hashtag. With the very big difference that while in the rooms in a relay chat, you could always be in one room with one message at a time. You can use many hashtags in the same message in Twitter and this creates lots of confusion because one of the big mistakes that many people do is that they hashtagify too many words and this makes everything too confusing.

Hmmm, that’s a good point, great point. Well let’s get into your product. Let’s go ahead and screen share so that we can see exactly how this works. And I’m going ahead and lock your screen and if you want to go and screen share.

Very cool.

Yes, absolutely. Did you get it?

Yes we can see it. Yep, we can see it.

Okay, so Hashtagify – you can use it as a research tool. You can use it for many different uses but basically it is a hashtag search tool. So what it means is that you, let’s say that for the first time you want to write, to tweet about the World Cup. I will use this because it was a very big event, it’s just finished and maybe many people specially in the US didn’t know so much about the word you would use about the World Cup. And you could start from one starting point, let’s just write #worldcup. Of course you would need to not enter any space because space is not accepted in hashtags.

Great point.

I will search for this and so the tool shows me what are the top hashtags related to my search. We have 2 main ways to show this. This is the one I like the most. It is the original way before Hashtagify was born out of this idea of very interactive visual way to show this because you can see at the center the word you searched, in red, and then the top 10 related hashtag are all around. And you can see from the size of the ball, which contains the name, how popular that hashtag is and from the thickness of the connection between the original hashtag and the connected #s, how much they are co-related. It means how much often, how often are they used together. So for example here you don’t see a very big difference but for example #WorldCup and#Brazil, you see it’s a little thicker than #WorldCup and #Col, which is for Columbia. So for example we already learn that people who want to speak, to talk about World Cup matches they wouldn’t use the full name mostly for their nations participating in the World Cup but they use these abbreviations. For example for Brazil, we can see B-R-A; for the Netherlands we can see N-E-D and so on. So you would learn that if you want to speak, to talk about the Netherlands in the World Cup, you would be better off using the abbreviation NED, N-E-D instead of writing for example Netherlands or I don’t know NetherlandsWordlCup or whatever. If you want to go even deeper about that, you just click on NED here, okay, and you can see the top related hashtags for that hashtag. You can see that Netherlands and Argentine or Argentina, how do you pronounce it in English? Remember they are very very connected because there was this big, big match between them. So this is useful as an example because it is very easy to understand why are they so connected because it was a big match and of course there were millions of comments on Twitter about this match. And so the connection between Netherlands and Argentina is very strong. You can also, if you go over here – over Argentina, you can see that the co-relation was 28.8%. It is 28%, almost 29% of the tweet using Netherlands also used Argentina as a hashtag. And this is how you find what are the top related hastags.

I love how you have the thickness of the lines that connect each hashtag. I honestly had not realized that before so that’s a great tip.

Thank you, I’m glad you like it. You know, yes, I like visualization. So this is also why this tool exist really but I also note that they are not always on Twitter. So this is why we created this new table mode. This is pretty recent I think like for months only but you can see the same data in a more less beautiful, but more conventional and easier to read way. So for example now I see the top rated hashtags in a table where you can read the popularity of each related hashtags. You can also sort by popularity. You can see the co-relation and sort by co-relation. And you can also see the weekly trend and the monthly trend. And this can be useful because sometimes you can find a hashtag which is very popular but actually it is not; okay one explanation is important, the data you see on a Hashtagify.Me is sampled. It has been sampled in years. Because to get the information about millions of hashtags; right now we have information about almost 34 million hashtags. To get all this information, we couldn’t examine all the tweets which are sent, we only examined 2,500,000,000 tweets. So to get this information in this time and keep the tool free, of course we cannot examine every tweet that is sent. And so sometimes it is very important to learn about the trend of your hashtags. For example you could find 3 hashtags which are equally popular right now. But you can find out that one is trending strongly. For example you can see GER – Germany here. It is +12.6 on the weekly trend and +27.3 in popularity in the monthly trend. While for #Belgium, okay here it is not very significant it is just because Belgium went out of the World Cup very recently. But in other situations this would have be so obvious while #Belgium was trending positively in the monthly trend, +35 but in the last week it went down 27 points. So as you can see you can find lot’s of information here. And if you want to know even more about the trend, I will explain this and then leave and wait for your questions. You can go to this tab which we call Usage Patterns. So this is very useful because it shows you the popularity for the last 8 weeks, the last 2 months. So for example you can see that for Ned N-E-D we had almost no popularity 6 weeks ago before the start of the World Cup then all of a sudden it was shot up to 80, a popularity of 80. We made it the popularity because here are relative to the most popular hashtag in the world. And the popularity is between 0 and 100. So the most popular hashtag in the world would have 100. 80 is a very, very high rating. So it shot from 10, which is almost nothing, to 80 all in one week because, of course, the World Cup started.


Then it went a little down, a little up. And so it is funny because you can see basically how much that particular nation, in this situation, how much that particular nation was tweeted about. So you can imagine, for example if you have a social media event, you have a marketing event, if you have any other situation. This can be useful to get an idea about how things are going at a time. If we go back to our World Cup hashtag you can see that it also had a shot up when the #World Cup started but it was already starting from a pretty high point. Thisis normal because, of course, World Cup is a big, it was a big subject also before the World Cup itself. So for example what is better, #WorldCup or #WorldCup2014?


If we click here again we can see, for example, the usage pattern but we can also do something more. I don’t know if you noticed this one because we try to keep what is enough not to clutter. But there are many things that you only see, for example, if you start comparing this hashtag I think choose for example WorldCup and then NED, Netherlands and I can see a comparison of the trends

That is fabulous!

Okay. So this way you can compare the trend between this different hashtags.


So basically, we’ll try to give in this website all the useful information that we can get for free from Twitter itself that are useful to choose which hashtags are more useful, can be more useful for your situation. Last thing that we’ll show here because it fits perfectly well in what we are doing now is that if you register for free, you can also save, for example now, I found four hashtag which are interesting for one subject which is the World Cup. Okay, let’s say I want to refer to this bundle, as we call it later in time, and I would like to compare in one month how this trends change. I can do it easily because I can click the plus button here. I can give a number, a name to this bundle, for example #WorldCup, with a lot of fantasy. And now it has been saved. So if I go to My Bundles here, open my hashtags, okay… sorry. #WorldCup, okay it worked in a funny way because I already had a bundle named #WorldCup. But for example I had created this other bundle sometime ago, #WorldCup2014. So if I click on it we can see here what are the hashtags I added, I can also change this and so on, but most importantly if I double-click on it, it will open that bundle here and I can see what happened from last time I saw it.

Oh, okay.

I have a question for you if that’s okay?

Yes, go ahead.

Are the news channels and people at the news and tv stations, are they using this tool? I would think it would just be an awesome tool for finding out relevant news and things like that.

Yeah, some of them, we have a write up from a, I mean we were, not really a write up. We were cited for example by oh my god, I can’t remember the name. A news channel from Texas.


You can see that in our, but anyway yes, some of them are using us but you know this is a free tool and I don’t know why many people use, not everybody knows about this even if I think I can say, in my opinion you can say pretty safely that among the free analysis tools for hashtags, we are the most complete. Then there are paid tools which are more complete and may be media channels also use these tools but they have, they can have pretty steep prices. So they are not for most of us.

Small business, uh-huh.

Yes, it makes sense. So I would say as I was telling you these are all sample data. With some other tools you can get complete data, also with our paid tool you can get complete data. But with those tools you can get a lot of complete data and do very deep analysis but for very, very high prices. We are talking about tens of thousands of dollars. Okay.

That’s a perfect tool for a small business. It’s perfect for that.

Thank you, thank you.

You know, can you talk about a little bit about the use of it? Like for Kimmy the salon owner who’s looking to use this tool, she wants to figure out what hashtags to use, how can you, what would you suggest like what is the, how are they going to use this in their social media?

Okay there are couple of ways. First of all there are maybe two different situations which are pretty difficult. One is you are, you want to piggyback on some existing hashtag, this is the most common situation. This situation, for example let’s say you are launching a new blog about cooking. So what I would do is I would start looking for interesting hashtags about cooking. So I would start from the obvious one which is cooking, okay? And then I would see what are the top related hashtags and the relationships. So for example #food has a very strong co-relation with #cooking, #recipe a bit less strong. You also have #USA and #Canada, which I mean co-relation not so strong but they are very big hashtags, of course; recipes and so on. Then I would go on and on for example I would look for recipes and food recipes and I would try to find the hashtags which are big enough but also specialized enough because if you find some hashtags which are very, very big but very generic maybe they are not the best for you because your message will be get drowned by all the conversations, all the noise that is going on. And also by all the spam that is going on. So I would try to find some hashtags which are very as specific as possible while still being big enough for me. So for example to give you some numbers, they should be above 30-35 points in our rating, now our popularity rating. But they should be specific enough. And at that point I would start the most obvious thing is that you start using your hashtags when you share your content, supposing you have interesting content to share. The second step I would do is that I would try to find the influencers in my space. This is also true, this is also good if in the other situation I want to talk about which is when you already have your campaign going. So for example you already have your own hashtag. So when you have your own hashtag your needs are a bit different but you also need to find other hashtags because you should use your own hashtag together with some other hashtags which are related because those hashtags which are related will have many followers, many people who use them and follow them which will be interested in your content. So also if you have use your own hashtag, if you’re launching it, for example, for an event, sometimes or very often you should also use some of the hashtags between two and three in total. So your hashtag plus one or two other hashtags which are related to your field of interest. And so this is one way to share your content. The other big way to do that is to find the top influencers in your space and learn which ones of them are interesting. So for example if one big influencers is CNN and you are a small business, most likely they are not interesting for you because you will; trying to reach them will be a moonshot, it is almost impossible that they will retweet you and so on. So you should try to find the influencers which are within your reach but as big as possible and in your reach. You should try to study them, find out what ticks them and then you should try to connect them. So here, this is, in my opinion, the most rewarding and the longer, how to say, it takes enough work I will be honest but it will give you the bigger boost in the long term, medium-long term. Okay. So to do this you can start from this website because we already have a Top Influencers screen which will show you the top six influencers for one hashtag. Now the problem is that if the hashtag is not very, very big, if the hashtag changes in time as I was telling you – all the data in Hashtagify.Me is in the sample considering the incredibly big level of acitvity on Twitter is pretty small, is below 1%. So if you have a specific hashtag, for example I don’t know, #SocialMediaLosAngeles, let’s say which could be big in Los Angeles but on a global scale will be incredibly small.


In this situation like this, the sampling we have here is not very good just because if you have one hashtag in 1000 and that, I mean, 1 tweet in 1,000 and that hashtag is used in 1 tweet in 10,000,000 because this is the numbers we are talking about, we will have very few hashtags collected for getting the top influencers. So this is one of the reasons why we created our other offer which we call Hashtag Intelligence. I will click here, you will allow me to show basically, okay, now I’m sending I will go back because this is not what I wanted to show you. Okay. If you try to, if you click our In-Depth Intelligence, just one second please. Okay, I cannot show you this right now, never mind. I will explain with my words.

It’s okay.

Anyway, if you click In-depth Intelligence you will have a short presentation about our professional tool which is called In-Depth Intelligence. And with this tool what you do is that you track some specific hashtags. So let’s say you already found what are the hashtags that you are really interested into either because it is your own hashtag, you’re doing a campaign there. Or because you found out that in your field the most interesting hashtag. So they’re big enough but they are also specific enough. For example #SocialMediaLosAngeles, okay. I’ve no idea if this hashtag is good at all but I will just keep it as an example. So at that point you could start using the hashtag, tracking the hashtag. You can do, you know, Twitter searches, you can see for example here what we show to give you an idea what the hashtag is about is recent tweets that hashtag so you can get a real feel how they are using it. There are also some other information, so for example you can see here what are the top languages used for this hashtag. So for example for #Mundial2014 we can see that the top language is Spanish Castillans so most likely if you are interested in English-speaking people, you would not use that. And you can also see when it is used – the top days and time in the week. I will not go into detail here. And then when you have this information you can start studying your top influencers. So let’s say you found your ideal one or two hashtags and you want really to know about the top influencers. One way to do that is simple, you connect to Twitter, you do your searches and you see who tweets the most, who is re-tweeted, what they talk about and so on about that hashtag. But that is very, very time consuming. An easier way to do that is to start tracking this hashtag using our tool, Hashtag Intelligence. I have an example here for you which is for example #brandchat. Do you know about Twitter chats?

Yes I do.

Great! So maybe some people, some of the followers may not know about #brandchat but I will this very quickly. As I was telling you, this is a bit funny for me because hashtags were born from the inspiration of Internet Relay Chats, so from chat rooms. And one of the big uses of hashtag is actually to have real time chat on Twitter. How do you do that? You choose a name for your hashtag which is unique. Very often the name contains the word chat in the name itself for example #brandchat, of course is a chat about branding. And you tell people okay we will talking about brands on Twitter at a given time, day and time. And so people will be online at that time and you can have your conversation in real time on Twitter where often there will be hosts and there will be guests right now as we are doing now. And the good people, I mean the good thing, the nice thing is that other people on Twitter can intervene in their conversation just using the hashtag. So for example #brandchat is a pretty big, not the biggest but a pretty big chat about branding. So let’s say that you want to, I don’t know, you want to launch your new book which is about branding and you want to use Twitter. Very likely a good starting point could this chat. So of course with Twitter chats it is very important that you know about, I mean you have to know that it is a Twitter chat because they have different usages and you need to learn how to use it, when to use it, and so on. So for example when is this chat held on? You can see it here, you can also see the same data on Hashtagify.Me. And you can see that it is almost always used on Thursdays in, let’s say for example you can choose your timing so you for example GMT -6 at 21, I mean at 9pm. It is the time that most of the people use this simply because…


being a Twitter chat it has a timing. So almost everybody use it at that time. There will also be other people using at other times for example to do announcements and this kind of things but you can understand that this is a Twitter chat if you didn’t notice from the name, which is #brandchat. You could find that out just seeing these days and times of usage, okay. So I will try to be quick because I know we don’t have so much time. What I want to show you, we have a lot of information which is used for is for example you are doing your, if you are launching your own hashtag. But launching your own hashtag does only make sense if you are big enough, if you have a team, if you have ways to promote it, and so on. So it is not for most people. What is instead for most people who are on Twitter is that you want to share your content, share your messages and you want to connect with great people who can help you share it. I suppose that you have good content otherwise this wouldn’t make much sense. But if you have great content you can try to connect with bigger inluencers than yourself. And you can get in contact with them, this takes time. But if you have great content, if you are good at connecting with them, it is absolutely possible that they will start sharing what you have. So for example when you tweet and you use your all your hashtag, it is absolutely possible that people who have more influence than you, that you are well-known and so have many people going after them, they are very busy and so on, they could not notice what you share just from the hashtag. So at this point it would make a lot of sense that you started for example following these influencers and you started sharing their content and use to make comments on their content. The comment should be not spammy, they should be, you know, as much as possible original and they should add to the conversation. So at the same time you use the hashtag they use and you are useful to them because you added to their conversation. If you do this they likely, unless they are institutional or too big influencers like for example I was making the example CNN or the White House, okay, you’re not going to be noticed. That would be not a very good strategy. But if you start tracking people who are bigger than you but not too big you could try to connect with them. So how do you find them? As I was telling you, you could do it by hand – you just use Twitter, you start following the hashtag, you’ll read a lot of tweets and you will find out who are the most listened too people, who are the point of reference for the community. Or you can use one tool like Hashtag Intelligence tool which will do this for you. So for example for #brandchat we are showing here we have many different plans. The basic plans start at $9.90/month. And it will show you the top 10 influencers for your hashtag. This is not simple data. This is based on 100% of tweets sent using your hashtag. So for example for this tweet, for this hashtag, not surprisingly there is one account which is called branchat which is the top influencer because this is, you know how this works. This is, they created Twitter user specially for this chat. So it will be the official account for the chat. So it is also the top influencer even if it is not the influencer with most followers because as you can see, for example this mariaduran is bigger, has more followers. You can see from the size, again, from the size of the circle, has more followers than brandchat. But brandchat will be for example, more re-tweeted. It will tweet more and we keep all these information in mind when trying to understand the top, who are the top influencers.

Sure and that’s really you know the basis of influences – the value of a tweet and the value of the content that their putting out, doesn’t matter really how many followers they have but who is actually re-tweeting them and what their hashtags are.


You have just tons and tons of information here. I think, I mean really it’s, I don’t want to overwhelm our audience because I think there’s just so much value with your tool that we should talk about doing follow up call where we can do some more deep dive on that.

Yes, maybe you can notice that I’m passionate about this so I’m sorry if I really started going.

You know what, it’s such great information. I mean, you know like you were just talking about, this is a great, such a great tool to about the proper hashtags to use, the proper how to use them, how to find influencers. It’s crazy, I mean it’s, and the thing is like you just said, you can do it manually or use your tool and it will save you tons of time then you’ll really going to know and it will target in and hone in on it. So unbelievable, I mean it’s amazing information, I just love it. I love it. So I think at this point what would you say would be the best thing just a quick for people to get started, what would you say the best thing to do with your tool in the next 24 hours to take action?

How to Hashtagify.Me?

Yes, yes and I’m going to actually, can you go ahead and out screen share so that we can have you back on for a minute?

Sorry? Oh I will stop the screen sharing.

Yep, that will be great and then we’ll, yeah no problem.

Hi again.

There you are! Perfect. So what would you say the next 24 hours for our listeners to take action. Obviously just playing around with Hashtagify would be, you know, one thing. What would be the number one thing, real quick that they can take action on?

Yes. Yes, okay it will be this. Okay. For sure you will be interested in one or more subjects. So the first thing I would do is I would make a list of the top keywords out of the top of my head that are, in my opinion are related to my subject or subjects. A short list or a longer list, it depends how much you want to go to this. And they can also be composite keywords for example #CookingInLosAngeles or something that #CookingLosAngeles and so on. And then I would go to Hashtagify.Me and I would start searching for this, for the hashtags for those words. And I would notice, I would write down what are the top hashtags among thosel which I selected. So for example some of them will be big hashtags some of them will be very small hashtags because people are not using them. And I would notice what are the top related hashtags because this would show you if what you found, because for example one hashtag if you look at very generic words like USA, for example, they could be a very big hashtag but they could not really be related to what you’re interested in to. So looking out what are the top hashtags will find if it is in your field or not really so. So I would find the top hashtags in my field. Starting from those words you also click on the top related hashtags and you can navigate from them. You can browse the related hashtags and find which other are the top related ones. And so I would create a list of hashtags which are more specific, less specific, bigger as big that you can use in your next tweets. So the next time you’re going to tweet in one specific field you can use one or two of the hashtags that you found.


And you can alternate them so if you have not just one hashtag but let’s say 5-6 hashtags in your field is useful because you shouldn’t use always the same hashtag. So depends how serious you are about this. If you work a lot on this field or not you can also start using some hashtags a lot and you start creating connections with the top influencers. So the next step would be find the top influencers, learn about them, don’t pester them, don’t think that they will right away start re-tweeting your content because they will need to get to know you, get to know that you are not a spammer, that you are an addition to their community. And then you connect with them and you create these connections and then you start to use these connections to get your content and your influence spread around and increase.

That’s great, great! Okay simple start with a list and then use your tool to dig deeper. Perfect! And I’m going to have Kimmy finish up with a couple of things.

Awesome! Well Dan we really appreciate all your time today. I’ve took tons of notes, I’ve lots and lots of information. So the best place to connect with you I’m assuming is at Hashtagify.Me, is that correct? Is that where you want them to go?

Yes. If you want, yes absolutely, you can find on Hashtagify.Me otherwise you can connect with me directly using the @danmazz74 Twitter account.

Okay, sounds great!

You can see my account but it is not secret so you can write me there

Wonderful. Thank you so much for your time today.

You’re welcome.

Yes, thank you Dan. Thanks for coming on.

Thank you Lisa and Janet, thank you really for the opportunity.

