Episode 73 – Goal Setting for 2017 and Priority Management

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We discuss the Goal Setting for 2017 and Priority Management in this episode of Business Growth Time.

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Time Stamped Show Notes:

01:51 – Goal setting is so important

  • “Start today!  so forget about New Year’s resolutions will go with new day resolutions.”

If we let that fallout happen day after day after day we’re getting farther along farther away from the progress we made, but if we just remember that we can always start again tomorrow.

06:19 – Don’t let too much time get in between the work that you’re gonna do!

*The idea of loving what you do makes it so much easier.  It’s a struggle when you can’t stand the work you’re doing to build the ha bits that you have to have in order to be able to achieve a level of success.

For example: You had a job that you didn’t like

Sometimes, you have clients you don’t like.

07:49 – Priority Management

  • Talked about passion and liking what you do and then long-range goal setting and short range goal setting
  • Having that vision of where you want to get to eventually is the piece that pulls you toward what you’re trying to do
  • When you’re compelled to do something, it makes it so much easier to do the things that you need to do, then when you’re trying to push your way into it
  • It’s very , very interesting that we normally do things from the reverse side*Tony Robbins stated that the most people underestimate what they can get done in a 10 year period and overestimate what they can do in a year. *We set our goals a little bit backwards and always looking at the short-term goal and we have a multitude of things that we want to get done in the way the brain works, you’re only really able to focus on a thing at a time
  • There’s no multitasking, as quickly as your brain processes, it doesn’t process multiple things at once. But, when you jump back and forth multitasking, it stops the momentum and you almost lose traction and lose ground and you have to go back and start again.

10:32 – Janet’s used focusing app called “Be Focused “ it is a Focus Timer and Goal Tracker for work

  • You can do different tasks with it,  you can upgrade for one dollar ninety-nine cents, it’s an app and basically goes for length of time in minutes.  You can choose the have different options, Janet uses it to track her client time…so the goal is that it is supposed to keep you on track.
  • We are all working on different goals throughout the day, client goals, relationship goals, etc. wearing different “hats” throughout the day.
  • Chunk out time for each item.
  • Most of us are reactionary, rather than proactive.
  • “I check messages two times throughout the day” is a good example of not being reactionary.
  • We don’t know that we’re being  interrupted,  but we’re gonna be interrupted. Turning off all distractions, as much as possible. Then you take the next day, maybe even create a content calendar for yourself or a schedule for yourself that this is my day that I work
  • Block off certain time to accomplish your goal, turn off distractions, create a schedule for yourself that you work.

17:20 – There are two concepts one of them is Priority Management and the other one, Time Blocking

When you set your goal, if you know where you want to go ten years from now, you should be able to break that down into annual goals and watch yourself grow those annual goals.  You have to figure out what those big things are that need to happen quarterly for you to get to the annual goal, so you you break it down into four segments and then, you prioritize how to get to those big things that need to get done for you to reach your quarterly goals..

When you prioritize, instead of looking at it to do list as 75  things that you’re gonna work on today, maybe that to-do list is down to 10 things that you’re going to get done today or this week.


Janet has created a goal calendar for the next 6 months with items she wants to accomplish in her business , working back and setting goals/dates she wants to be complete with items.  But, she has not budgeted time within her week to accomplish those, yet.

…AND what’s the old saying “work expands to fill the time allotted”!

23:04 – Does priority management is important overall to you getting to your goal and getting your priorities?

You really gotta look way out at your goals and you can go a whole year , you can go out much longer.  But, you never know what’s going to happen in 10 years in social media, for example.

You have to put the work in the calendar, too, so, it’s not enough to put the deadline, you have to allocate at least some time.

27:00 – Priority management & understanding what those real priorities are…

  • Most important thing, what is that thing that will bring you closer to your goal and it helps to have an accountability partner
  • You have to enroll someone who cares about you accomplishing your goals.

The Freedom Journal: Accomplish Your #1 Goal in 100 Days! Book by John Lee Dumas

It’s a 90-day program where you wake up in the morning, you write in it your goals, what you’re focusing on,  your accomplishment and then at the end of the day, you review it and you do it for  90 days and have that 90-day goal set type thing.  So, that’s called a Freedom Journal.

*The key to all of this is developing  the habits, we have ideas and ideas are great, but ideas without execution are a dime a dozen. Execution is more important than idea, but habits is what leads to the execution happening, especially if it’s an alignment with your goal.

If you could just sit and breathe for a moment or roll, stretch, just a bit of self-care to get grounded before you start your day can be helpful.

Habits take anywhere from 21-45 days to change.

*Become aware of what your wrote responsibilities are and what you are you doing systematically

Start, Stop, More, Less -What do we need to start doing, what do we need to stop doing, what do we need to being more of, what do we need to do less of.

  • Once we get aware of those habits, we start to realize which ones serve us to move us closer to where we want to go
  • Turning off those distractions, noise and we all do different things, so you need to look at what works best for you.

Action steps

Find an accountability partner

Become more cognizant of what you should do more of, less of, start, stop

Change one or two habits to help you move toward your goals

Start when it’s right for you, it doesn’t need to be January 1, start when it’s right for you, January 15, etc.


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