Episode 72 – Reach Your Audience Using Facebook VIDEO!

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We discuss the Reach Your Audience Using Facebook VIDEO in this episode of Business Growth Time.

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Time Stamped Show Notes:

03:20 – Janet’s & Terry’s tips in doing Facebook videos

  • To know that the content you are sharing is adding value to your audience
  • Builds a deeper rapport with your audience, who know, like and trust you
  • It shows your authenticity and allows them to see exactly who you are, there is no editing when doing Facebook live.

06:12 – Janet has done this presentation using powerpoint slides and has had great success with it.  So, if you want to see the images as Janet presents them, rather than listening to it on this podcast, go over to the Business Growth Time  YouTube and catch it over there, start  at about the 8:00 minute mark.

07:07 – Slides from this topic can be found at  Janet’s blog post 

07:50 – Janet’s talk about stats in Video

  • Video posts have 135 % greater organic reached than photo posts, major organic reach,  meaning naturally none paid
  • People spend three times longer watching video, which is live, compared to a video which is no longer live
  • 85 % of videos are watched without sound
  • 75 % of all internet traffic in 2017 will be video
  • It’s predicted that within the next five years Facebook will be 90 % video
  • Videos are shared more than 1200% more times than links and text combined.  Meaning people are much more likely to share a video than a link, or if you copy and paste text of a blog post and have that link in there (both those combined amount of shares) video has 1,200% more with video
  • If you can figure out a way to put a video with a link to a blog post, that’s a better way to go

12:37 – There is a brand new feature on Facebook, only some have the fully separated news feed that is a 100 % video, it is rolling out, some people have it now, others will soon

  • This is fed by who you follow and how recently they did a video. So, talk about more reasons that you gotta do video on Facebook. They have a whole feed just for video!
  • It’s a separate Facebook video news feed and this is so important for ad space.
  • It’s a mix of pages and profiles, so it’s not just pages, it’s not just profiles.  It is a mix- great way for a page to reach their audience again

15:59 – Fastest way to get reach on Facebook

  1. Doing Facebook Live
  2. Videos
  3. Pay for it, if you can’t do a video

And video is great when you pay, too.  So, you need to boost a little bit to it and it adds that extra push

16:30 – Types of Videos

  • Customer videos
  • Videos testimonials of happy customers is probably your best thing that you could be doing
  • Talking head in a video, which is what Terry and I do all the time
  • Slideshow image videos- if you have a product that’s beautiful such as a nice deck, beautiful jewelry
  • Phone app for doing some simple video. All you have to do is take a picture and  load to this and it is called Lumyer

*Lumyer -This app is cool you can add sparkles and you can create a picture into a video

18:35 – Upload your video to business page and share it to personal profile

  • Make sure to put the video on the business page, if it’s something related to business, then you can put some ad dollars towards it.
  • It’s really good to get extended reach for your business page, because all your profile friends may not be on your business page, and certainly all your business friends are not on your profile, so you get to touch it twice. It’s good to wake up your personal profile.

19:43 – Let’s Look at Case Studies of a Deck Company

This is a deck company that had a client send in a video. It was a fan of the decking product. A video from someone’s phone and not professionally done.  We decided to put some money behind it,  total about $400, Plus, we did some remarketing and we got 50,000 views.

This product is in Menards store.  So, now the Menards executives, because of this video, noticed the video and now they are flying out to this guy’s deck, taking a professional photoshoot, TV commercial and it’s going to be on the cover of a magazine, all because of Facebook video. Tip (Hold your phone vertical, not horizontal for Facebook video.) But, authenticity always wins.

We remarketed these viewers with a discount offer. So, you can retarget and/or remarket to the viewers and give them a special offer . They built the trust, they kind of learned about the product on the front end and now we’re gonna hit with them with something on the back-end. What we did was that it was a $100 dollars off if they spent a thousand dollars on this deck product and we had over 30 people who turned in this offer.

So, this was building up the brand awareness with the customer loving it, but then on the back-end we actually were focusing on ROI.

21:56 – Remarketed Viewers and Retargeting, what do these words mean?

It’s putting an ad in front of them again and again.

You don’t actually know who it is, but Facebook does, by running a campaign to do a multi touch with your followers, a soft sell.

23:30 – Facebook Live!

You need a video strategy.  So, my suggestion is pick how often you are going to do it and stick with it and be realistic.

Janet chooses not to do a video every single day of her life. She likes weekly.

If you will do weekly, bi-weekly, that’s fantastic, couple times a  week is even better

Be consistent is key

24:11 – What is the Boost button

If you did a video already on your business page,  you can just hit the boost button and pick the audience

The Boost button works, it’s simple, you get throw $10 behind your video to hit a targeted audience, your fans that you already have.

25:33 – How to Remarket to Your Video Viewers

This is in Ads Manager, you create the audience, you get a custom audience, you go to engagement on Facebook, you go through these prompts. They walk you through it step-by-step. Then, you click on video and once you’ve done that, you will have a list that comes up of your page and if you have multiple pages. You have to pick your page and then it will show you all the videos you have and you can see whatever you want to remarket.

  • Posting video on your business page
  • Mix of video and live video
  • Be consistent, come up with the video plan
  • Remarket to your viewers with more content and more offers that you can remark it to, you know your blog post,  you can remark podcast and then you can market very specific offers or just something to get on the email list

27:00 – How much does it cost?

  • It depends on your ROI of your product and to what your product offering is
  • Put more money if you’re only doing small amounts of video, put more money behind it to get those viewers

29:10 – Special offer from Janet.

You can get my program for $67 on those Facebook ads and how to re-target,  If you’re confused on how to setup your ads or you how to use to Facebook’s Ad Manager, or you don’t have a strategy, you never audited– we have  everything in here to walk you through it.  So,  you can check out the sales page at Janet E Johnson

31:14 – Action Step:

Create your consistent calendar for when you’re going to be putting videos out there

If you’re doing lives and you really want to get an audience and it’s even more important,  then if you haven’t done this..get a big email list and you can send out an email ahead of time to let them know when you’re going live. Example: every Thursday at such and such time I’m going to be on live.

Be consistent about how you’re doing it

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